What's in your cupboard?
I'm afraid that the low FODMAP diet is still not that well known in Europe, most of the low FODMAP cupboard staples I find on the internet are American products that I cannot find here in Ireland.
Things are changing though, the supermarkets are realising that there is a big demand for gluten and lactose free products and every few weeks my local Tesco store will have new “Free from” items on the shelves. But it gets tricky if you are avoiding gluten and dairy, and if you are avoiding soya too.. then it gets almost impossible!
Another big problem I have with these products is the price. I simply cannot afford to buy them. I compromise and I buy some basics and a few treats now and again. So here is my Low FODMAP cupboard:
Non Dairy Milks
Rice milk: I use this milk mainly in baking and cooking (when making mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs...). My favourite brand is “Rice Dream” with added calcium.
Hazelnut drink “milk”: I pour it in my coffee ( I love it in my coffee!). I use Alpro, I saw recently that Tesco has its own Free From Hazelnut milk in the fridge aisle. Since I'm the only one that drinks this milk I prefer to buy the UHT Alpro version.
Almond milk: I don't use this milk very often, normally in sauces, puddings and custards. It has a thicker consistency than rice milk and makes the custards a little creamier. The almond taste is very subtle so you can use it in savoury sauces. It is also lovely in coffee. Again, I use the Alpro brand.
Coconut milk: you can find it everywhere now, perfect for curries. I once made a very decent coconut yogurt using coconut milk but I think it's a little expensive when you add all the costs involved.
There are other milks out there: oat milk (didn't really like it), coconut drink “milk” (OK on its own but watery and oily if used in coffee) and I even have seen advertised Hemp milk (supposed to have high Omega 3 content) but I have never taste it. I guess you have to find one that suits you.
Gluten & Wheat Free Plain White Flour blend: I use Doves Farm (rice, potato, tapioca, maize and buckwheat flour blend).
Gluten & Wheat Free White Self-raising Flour blend: I use Doves Farm.
Almond Flour (ground almonds)
Rice Flour
Polenta (coarse cornmeal)
Fine cornmeal
Corn Flour
Tapioca Flour (if I have run out I substitute it for corn flour)
Ground rice
There are so many other flours available... Check your local health store for alternative flours: amaranth, buckwheat, millet, sorgum...
Savoury Snacks
Rice cakes: so handy when there is no bread around...
Corn cakes: my favourite are Mrs Crimble's corn cakes. They come in 4 stay-fresh packs, ideal for carrying in your handbag for a snack.
Nairn's gluten free oat cakes: they have a slight bitter aftertaste but I quite like them.
Microwave popcorn (always check ingredients, some contain milk powders).
Ready salted crisps (always check ingredients).
Nuts (in moderation).
- Crispbread: made with rice and maize flour. From DS.
Sweet Snacks
Ready-to-use meringue: add some coconut cream and strawberries o blueberries for a sweet treat.
Fruit in jelly: Lustre makes these little pots of mandarin pieces in jelly with no preservatives, artificial colours or flavours (no apple, pear or peach juices).
Dairy free milk chocolate: not easy to find without soya added in but I did found one in my local health shop (although the allergy advice says it may contain traces of soya). It's called “Moo Free”, it doesn't taste like the real thing but it's an alternative...
Dark chocolate: even when dairy is not listed on the ingredients they all tell you “it may contain dairy”. Still, a little bit now and then doesn't seem to upset my tummy.
Marshmallows: tricky this one because some of them contain wheat. My main problem with marshmallows is that I like them too much and can't stop eating them and then get a tummy ache...
Sorbets: Aldi sells a lovely lemon sorbet.
Mmmm, I have the feeling I'm forgetting something... I will keep updating this post.
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