Saturday 6 September 2014

Re-introducing foods

I haven't been posting many recipes lately and there have been two very good reasons for that.

One was the early stages of my pregnancy (I am 27 weeks now) where I was too nauseous to go near food and too tired to cook.

The second reason is that I have been re-introducing challenge foods. I have been on this diet since I started this blog (2 years?) and I tried to re-introduce FODMAPs foods in the past with very little success. However, lately, (maybe to do with my pregnancy hormones??), I have been able to do so without nasty tummy troubles. I'm still not eating everything, I am taking it easy with garlic (starting next week...), onions, cabbage, peppers and the like. I have re-introduced gluten, dairy, fruits and small portions of canned legumes.

Two years is quite a long time to be on a diet. I have to say this diet helped my IBS a lot but it didn't cure it. I was able to manage the symptoms but I did have bad days too...

I had already been trying to re-introduce some foods but the final push to do this on a bigger and faster scale was an appointment I had with a gastroenterologist a few weeks ago. After over a year waiting for an appointment (can't afford to go private) and three hours in the waiting room he told me that I still have to wait a little longer as no tests can be done while I'm pregnant. Just my luck.
Anyhow, I have my next appointment in February and I was told to eat a normal diet for at least 1 month/2 months prior to the tests. So, with the encouragement of a professional (yippee...) I am trying to leave the low FODMAP diet slowly behind.

Good luck and good health to all of you following this diet.

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