I haven't posted any recipes for a while, I am just not having a great month. My son was in hospital again last week. We only spent two nights there, thank Goodness, but that is already too much time for a little boy who has been in the emergency department three times in five weeks. He's on his fourth course of antibiotics for a throat infection and while he is well on them he gets very sick once the course is finished. He's got seven more days left on this course and I'm praying everything will go well this time...
I checked the blog today wondering if anybody is still looking even with the lack of recent posts and to my surprise I had a comment awaiting moderation. I always thought people stumbled upon this blog and moved on... Thank you Sarah!! You've made my day.
Anyway I wasn't even going to post this recipe but I had my brother and his family over for the weekend and when I cooked this dish for them he told me to put it up on the blog...
It's such a simple and easy recipe that it feels silly posting it. When they were over I didn't want to spend my time with them cooking in the kitchen. I cooked the meals that I normally cook during the week: easy, simple, cheap and child "friendly"...
- 2 small chickens, around 1kg each (cleaned and ready to roast)
- 500g carrots, halved lengthways
- 500g parsnips, halved lengthways
- light olive oil
- 1/2 tblsp ground cumin
- 1/2 tblsp ground coriander
- 1kg frozen roasting potatoes (I buy Tesco everyday value, no gluten, just potatoes and oil)
Preheat the oven to 180C. Pour some oil on top of the chickens, add salt and pepper and rub with your hands all over until well mixed. Cook in the oven for 45 minutes in a big roasting tray. In the meantime put the carrots in simmering water for 10 minutes until they are just tender. Drain well and tip into a roasting tin. Add 2 tablespoons of light olive oil, cumin and coriander, plus plenty of seasoning, and toss together.
When the 45 minutes are up add the frozen roasting potatoes in the chicken tin and toss with the chicken juices. Put it back in the oven with the carrot and parsnip tin and bake everything for a further 45 minutes or until the chickens are cooked and the vegetables are starting to brown at the edges.
Serve with green beans or a salad.
www.meandmyibs2.blogspot.com | |