Wednesday 14 March 2012

Easy Dairy Free Hazelnut Pudding

I found last week in my local Tesco new dairy free milks. Two are from Alpro, now they make hazelnut and almond milks. I also found oat milk (by the makers of Rice Dream) but since it contains gluten I'm not sure if I should try it. Then again, I'm able to tolerate small amounts of gluten in soy sauce and worcester sauce... I guess I will have to try it to find out...

I haven't tasted the almond milk yet but the hazelnut milk is lovely. Now I have my coffee with hazelnut milk. Here is a super easy recipe that helps my cravings for cold desserts, you could substitute the hazelnut milk for almond milk.

All you need is:

50gr cornflour
500ml hazelnut milk
5 tablespoons sugar or to taste
4 jelly moulds

And all you need to do is mix the cornflour with a little of the hazelnut milk until it dilutes. Bring to the boil the milk and sugar. When it's just about to boil pour the cornflour and keep stirring until it's nice and thick and lump free. Put the mixture in the jelly moulds and let it cool. Refrigerate and eat!

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